Transparency Code
Tilston Parish Council & the Transparency Code (2015)
The Transparency Code was introduced in 2015 and is intended to provide the public with more power and increase democratic accountability by providing the public with easy access to more information.
As such Tilston Parish Council as a smaller authority (turnover of less than £25,000) is obliged to publish the following information:-
- All items of expenditure above £100
- End of Year Accounts
- Annual Governance Statement (Contained in Audit Return)
- Internal Audit Report (Contained in Audit Return)
- List of Councillors & Responsibilities
- Details of public land and building assets (Asset Register in Audit Return starting 2014-2015)
- Minutes & Agendas
Much of this information is already available on the Council’s website, however as of May 2015 the Council will publish its accounts following their approval at each meeting (see below).